Traveling Lecture Program 2020/21

This cooperative program is designed to provide possibilities for universities or institutions in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to supplement missing fields of individual universities and to widen the range of available fields and themes for students through the organization of joint lectures, workshops and seminars in the field of Japanese studies. In the traveling lecture scheme, individual universities are able to invite professors or scholars from this field in cooperation with the Japan Foundation, Budapest. Considering the prevention of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), projects implemented online and do not accompany traveling are eligible.
General Information
- Eligibility of Applicants
- Applicants must be universities or institutions which have Japanese Studies Departments or courses related to Japanese, based in Central and Eastern Europe. Eligible countries are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
- Applicants must have the capacity necessary for implementing projects based on a detailed plan of action.
- The cooperation with or support from JFBP must not violate any laws, regulations, or ordinances in their countries.
- Eligible projects
- Projects should commence on or after September 1, 2020, and be completed by March 19, 2021.
- The length of a lecturer’s stay should be within one week.
- Projects should be of a non-profit nature that will enhance Japanese studies in the applying universities and in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. However, projects in the field of natural science, medicine, manual training are not eligible.
-Lecturers must specialize in the field of Japanese Studies and belong to universities in Central and Eastern Europe or Austria.
- JFBP considers the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) of utmost importance, therefore the applying projects must comply with the safety regulations of the host country. Accordingly, it is required that applicants indicate the epidemiological regulations of their country, as well as the planned preventive measures for the duration of the project in the Application Form.
- Projects implemented online are eligible.
- Financial background
The joint organization of the lectures require cost sharing between JFBP and the host university. JFBP shall cover the Lecturer’s honorarium, per diem (if travelling) and international travel expenses. The applicant shall provide the location, organize the lecture, and cover the accommodation fee and domestic transportation of the lecturer.
- Number of applications accepted
We are scheduled to approve 2 to 3 projects in JFY 2020.
- Application Deadlines
Applications should be submitted in English at least 2 months prior to the start of a project.
e.g.) If the project is to be implemented on the 30th of November, the application should be submitted by the 31st of September, at latest.
This fiscal year we only accept applications submitted electronically. Please take note that the scanned version of the original, signed documents is required to make the application valid.
- Procedure
Please contact JFBP staff before making a formal application in order to discuss eligibility and other pertinent matters. Application forms will be sent by e-mail upon request.
Please read the General Guidelines thoroughly. Before applying please do not hesitate to contact our program officers in the current fields.
Contact information:
The Japan Foundation, Budapest
1062 Budapest, Aradi u. 8-10. Hungary
Tel.: (0036-1) 214-0775/6
Contact info: SHIRAI Sayuri (Ms.)
The Japan Foundation Budapest
T. +36-1-214-0775
F. +36-1-214-0778
Downloadable documents: