Local Project Support Program - Japanese Language Education 2020/21

This program is intended to promote Japanese-language education in Hungary by supporting a wide range of activities essential to the dissemination of Japanese-language and the development of Japanese-language education.
1. Eligible Areas
2. Requirements of the Proposed Projects
(1) This time the Japan Foundation will accept applications for projects that would be implemented during Japanese fiscal
year 2020 (April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021).
(2) The plan and method of implementation must be appropriate and there must be ample expectations that programs will
yield good results.
(3) Programs must not be used for religious or political purposes.
(4) Programs must not be commercial activities.
3. Program Description
Applying organizations and groups may apply for a combination of programs that meet their needs, depending on their activity; examples of eligible programs for this support are given below.
(1) Staff Expansion Grant
(2) Teaching Material Purchase Grant
(3) Other Original Proposals
4. Eligibility
(1) Applicants are only accepted from non-profit organization in Hungary involved in Japanese-language education; individuals are not eligible to apply.
(2) Applicants must fulfill the following requirements in order to be eligible:
a) Applicant must have the capabilities necessary for implementing the planned project(s).
b) The receipt of grants or support from the Japan Foundation must not violate Hungarian laws, regulations, or
c) Applicants should have bank accounts in the name of the organization to which the grants by the Japan Foundation
can be remitted, or should be able to open such accounts by the time the grants are sent.
(3) In principle, the Japan Foundation does not provide grants for:
a) The Japanese government, Japanese local municipalities, and lower branches of the above-mentioned
b) Hungarian and other foreign governments, including their administrative organs and their embassies and
consulates-general in Japan (exceptions being academic, cultural, or research institutes, such as universities and
museums); and
c) International organizations to which the Japanese government makes a financial contribution.
5. Deadline
6. Notification of the Grant Decision
The result will be notified within one month after receiving Application.
Please read the General Guideline thoroughly. Before applying please do not hesitate to contact to our program staff in charge.
6. Contact information
The Japan Foundation, Budapest
1062 Budapest, Aradi u. 8-10., Hungary
Tel.: (+36-1)214-0775/6
Contact person: Nikolényi Gergely (nikolenyigergely@japanalapitvany.hu)
Downloadable documents:
Tájékoztató (angol): General Guideline (eng)
Tájékoztató (japan): General Guideline (jp)
Project Sheet (Staff Expansion)
Project Sheet (Teaching Material Purchase)