Local Project Support Program - Film Showing 2021/2022

The announcement for the LPSP grants of fiscal year 2021/2022 has been updated! Deadline of application has changed, meanwhile the information required for application has increased. Please read the General Guidelines thoroughly before applying!
The Japan Foundation Budapest considers the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) of utmost importance, therefore the applying projects must comply with the safety regulations of the host country. Accordingly, it is required that applicants indicates the epidemiological regulations of their country, as well as the planned preventive measures for the duration of the project in the relevant box of the Application Form.
This program is designed to provide partial assistance for implementing projects related to Japanese culture and arts, with the aim of enhancing cultural exchange between Japan and Hungary and other Central and Eastern Eurpean countries.
The grant program for film screening projects was previously overseen by the Headquarters of the Japan Foundation, however from FY 2021/2022 applications from the region should be submitted to the Budapest Office.
Please take note that from 2018 film screening projects have a different guideline and application form than arts and culture related projects! For futher information, please find the attached documents below.
General Information
- Eligibility of Applicants
- Non profit-making projects/events that help to promote the international cultural exchange between Japan and the applicant country.
- Institutions which have enough capability for execute the grant project according to the plan.
- The applying projects should focus on film screenings, where the content is wholly or for the most part related to Japan.
- NEW: Projects implemented online are eligible!
- Religious and political activities are not eligible.
- Solo screenings lower priority.
- Eligible projects
Projects should commence on or after April 1, 2021 and be completed by March 20, 2022 in consideration of the end of the Japanese fiscal year 2021, which is March 31, 2022.
- Grant coverage
Only specific items such as travel expenses, honorarium and cost to cover hire of venue, printing/publicity costs etc. We can not fund preliminary project research or development. We cannot support the travel expenses to Japan!
Before making a formal application, please carefully read the General Guidelines (downloadable below). If you require any further information, please contact our staff in charge.
- Number of grants
Only a select number of grants will be made in JFY 2021. Grant sizes vary according to project, with an upper limit of approx. 1000 Euros per grant, in principle. However, for international film festivals in relatively larger scale, JFBP may consider providing an upper limit of approx. 3000 Euros per grant. The grant amount applied for cannot exceed the half of the total budget.
- Application Deadlines
Different from previous years, in FY 2021-22 we accept applications in multiple rounds that have a set deadline.
1st Round: March 8 , 2021 (for projects, which take place between April 1, 2021 and March 20, 2022 )
2nd Round: June 1, 2021 (for projects, which take place between July 1, 2021 and March 20, 2022 )
3rd Round: September 1, 2021 (for projects, which take place between October 1, 2021 and March 20, 2022)
4th Round: December 1, 2021 (for projects, which take place between January 1, 2022 and March 20, 2022)
* With consideration of the unprecedented situation due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the protcol for reopening cultural activities being different in each country, applicants, who plan to implement a project in the First Round period, however may not be able to meet the deadline of March 8th because of uncertainties related to the epidemic situation, shall contact our staff in charge to discuss further options.
- Method of application
All documents shall be submitted in English! This fiscal year we only accept applications submitted electronically.
Please read the General Guidlines thoroughly. Before applying please do not hesitate to contact to our program staff in charge.
Contact information:
The Japan Foundation, Budapest
1062 Budapest, Aradi u. 8-10. Hungary
Tel.: (0036-1) 214-0775/6
Contact to: Ms. Alexa Kohari (koharialexa@japanalapitvany.hu)
Downloadable documents:
Documents needed beforhand:
Application Form
Estimated Budget Form
Documents to be done after carrying out the project: