LIGHT UP NIPPON! documentary screening Free DVD lending service

The LIGHT UP NIPPON project was formed around young working people aiming to energize Japan by displaying thousands of fireworks simultaneously at 10 disaster stricken areas in Tohoku on 11 August 2011, which was exactly five months since the Great East Japan Earthquake occured.
These young people successfully carried out the project on totally pro bono basis by combining their professional skills and social network. The Japan Foundaion and the LIGHT UP NIPPON committee produced a 28 minute documentary film that showed the process of building trust with local leaders, raising funds and achieving success for the 8/11 fireworks event. The film was produced with a hope that it would attract global attention to the damaged areas, defeating the sense of stagnation in Japanese society caused by the disasters and various social issues.
For more details about lending procedure contact our program staff, Bozsó Réka. +36-1-214-0775