Information about the Library's reopening
The Japan Foundation, Budapest has reopened its Library on July 1st, 2021 for visitors, even for visitors who cannot verify immunity against coronavirus. While taking measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we are restarting our services gradually.
Until futher notice, our Library is open from Monday to Friday between 9:00-17:00.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus, visitors are required to keep social distance of at least 1.5 meter, and are only allowed to stay in the Library for 30 minutes. The upper limit of visitors is 10 people at a time. When entering the Library, visitors are required to use the hand sanitizers installed near the front door, and they are obliged to wear a face mask during their stay in the Library.
Currently the following services are offered in the reopened Library:
- Lending and returning of books
- Renewing lending period
- New registration
- Usage of reading-room, toilets, computers and photocopy facility
For the safety of our visitors and librarians, the following services are not available for the time being:
- Attending events in the Library
When borrowing books, please show your library card and hand over the books to the librarian for registration. To reduce physical contact to the minimum, librarians will not write the due date and the registration number of the books on your card. Per your request the librarian may stick a post-it with the due date on the registered books. In case you prefer written documentation on your card, please write down the information using your own pen.
Returning borrowed documents:
Books borrowed before the library closure can be returned without penalty for late returning until 30th June, 2021. Please take note this rule excludes debts that arose before the library was closed; for those the regular penalty will be imposed, i.e. you will be suspended from borrowing for the same lenght of period as the days overdue.
When returning books, please show them to the librarian first, then put them in the designated basket. All returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours; during this time, they cannot be borrowed.
Due to the shortness of the allowed lenght of stay in the Library, we recommend the prior reservation of books via email ( or phone (+36 1 214 0775 ). Our librarians will send a response to each request and confirm whether the request can be fulfilled. Works currently borrowed and/or in quarantine may also be requested.
Please keep following our website and Facebook page for news, updates and online contents.